Tuesday, August 24, 2010

a little embarrassing..

So yesterday I spent the afternoon at the Dentist. It was my day off so I figured it would be a good time to get a little work done. AWFUL idea stacey... UGH! I really thought I was a big kid until I had a full on panic attack in the chair and started crying. Not just a few glistening tears on the cheek, Im talking full on sobs! So much was going on...needles, hands, tools, noises, smells, achy jaw, gross taste..etc. Anyways after about an hour of silent panic I finally had a full on anxiety attack. I just couldn't think of my happy place any longer! Lucky me I get to go back 3 more times. :(

After my interesting afternoon I headed to Mandalay Bay for the Miss Universe Pageant. Our band and few of the male dancers in my show got to perform during the swimsuit portion. As Tovah and I waited in line for our tickets I noticed a few people staring at me. I then remembered my swolen face from all the numbing at the dentist. GREAT now I get to be at the pageant with all these beautiful woman from all over the world and I look like a chipmunk. Tovah even brought me a fierce pair of sunglasses to try and hide some of the damage! haha Meanwhile as Im hiding in line I noticed THIS hottie looking at my puffy cheeks! 

Reid my Bachelorette CRUSH!!! haha
(refer back to my post on 7/13)

1. Sorry its blurry and he's not looking, I couldn't really ask him to pose..
2. yes, I being a creeper snatched a photo on the iphone
3. yes that is his beautiful blonde girlfriend or at least date for the night
4. if my face hadn't been so fat I would have gotten an autograph or something super  embarrassing like that! 
5. Totally still have a crush on him! 


  1. Stacey!!!! That is the greatest story ever! I was dying laughing. You poor LITTLE girl.... that's right, little! Who cries at the dentist any more?! It must have been awful. My heart goes out to you and your mouth.

  2. You needed to have an ice cream cone as incentive to be good for the doctor. That would have helped you hazard the Reid strom without hiding. Come on!!! When faced with situations like this, think of this..."what do I have to lose?" Life is short. Live hard. I love your blog. So sweet and lovely. Makes me love you more.
