Wednesday, November 13, 2013

16 year old self

It has been months..... I feel like posting but I don't even know where to begin. I use this blog as a journal and clearly I have never been much of a Journal keeper. Lets see if I can work on that.
Life really is such a ride. So many emotions and life events in such a short amount of time. Always nothing like you expect or pictured it to be like. I love it. Every day is a new day and a new adventure good or bad! In the last few months I have learned so much about myself. Growing up is such a weird concept for me. Most days I feel like I never change. I'm just little old Stacey as my 12yr old self. Eek 12 was an awkward stage lets go with maybe my 16 year old self?.... Anyways it's crazy to sit back and reflect on how different I am these days. Seeing as I am 23 least I hope I am different ;)
Things in life that mattered before don't matter so much. I find joy in the little things. I appreciate moments or songs or photos differently than I did before.  I am proud of myself and my accomplishments in life thus far. I also have things about myself that I am constantly working on. I have goals and dreams that continue to change daily. I have found that I love big and also that heart break hurts. But feeling those feelings have made me appreciate life and love in a different kind of light. I am doing my best everyday to live in the now. I have always been a "can't wait until"... or "one day when"..... or "things will definitely be better when"...
But honestly life is good NOW. I should be grateful for the beautiful things and more importantly people who are right in front of me! Life is good and crazy and fun and hard and weird and annoying and lovely ALL at the same time. One thing I do know is that family stays the same and is always there and always supporting you NO MATTER WHAT.
 I sure do love my family and wouldn't want to be on this ride with anyone else.

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