Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have decided to simplify my life...
I spend too much time focusing and worrying about the wrong things. Life is fun and should be lived to its fullest. I need to be a little less dramatic (shocker I know) and a little more positive. I always thought I was an easy going person but apparently I am kind of a stress case. I have slowly learned from my job that you just have to take life ONE day at a time. My blog is only a few months old but tonight I decided to look back at some older posts. I suggest you all try it...I actually learned something from myself. It's almost as fun as reading through an old journal! Anyways I decided to replace my morning fb check with 15 minutes of scripture study. Who knows why I didn't do or learn this sooner but hey I wont dwell on the past and just say that my life is definitely better because of this new change. What an awesome feeling it is to start my day with the spirit. Life is not easy and things don't always go our way but having the spirit to guide and comfort you is something I wouldn't change for the world. On a different note, as I was leaving work yesterday I noticed a huge pile clothing that was being donated. This sparked another aspect to simplify in my life. THE CLOSET...I came home and immediately went through and organized my closet. Today I donated 3 bags of clothing to that pile. I am not even sure what charity it was for but it sure felt good knowing those clothes weren't just wasting space in a packed closet anymore. I hope that by simplifying these small things in my life it will help me to be more Christ like. I hope it will help me focus on what life is really about. I read something tonight that I want to share: "Let us live the gospel. Let it shine in our lives. Let it shine in our faces. Let it come through our actions. Live the gospel. Look to God and Live." Life really is SIMPLE when you know what is truly important! xoxo- a girl in the city

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