Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life in the fast lane

This month has been exciting but busy to say the least. I finally moved into my own place and I have never felt more at home. My parents have been incredible and I couldn't have done it without their help. Having my dad around even though we never see each other has brought me such a comfort. I adore him and I can't imagine a better roommate. I feel like I am becoming that girl with 5 todo list's laying around because I can't seem to remember where I put the last one. Or the friend that forgets to call or write people back. (I hate those kind of friends;) My brain is always busy and I am trying my best to keep my new "adult" duties in line. Gosh you people have so much "stuff" to take care of and think about. Some days I just want to be a kid again! It's not all that bad though when you get to come home to a place that smells and feels like home. A place that is full of your stuff and is a constant reminder of your many blessings. I am so blessed and I am even more grateful!
Work these past two weeks has been weird. Weird is the only word to describe life in the Circus sometimes. Anything can happen there. You should never say "well, it can't get worse than yesterday" cause trust can. BUT there is one thing I would like to clear up. I know from facebook or even this blog you may think I hate my job, or that I am unhappy. Such is false. I have one of the most rewarding jobs there is. 9 times out of 10 I come off stage with a smile on my face saying how lucky I am to do what I do. With the amount of physical work and how tired my body feels most nights. It's easy to get emotional. "Something" is always new, different, wrong or exciting in every show. It most definitely keeps me on my toes. Yes I cry a lot but the laughter in the girls dressing room or out onstage always out weighs the tears. I am just an emotional person but that is part of what makes me a performer. I love my job and I am grateful to go to work every single day even if my body feels other wise! xoxo - a girl in the city

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