Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Never too old for mommy and daddy...

The past two weeks my parents have been a huge support for me. Two weekends ago I completed my first RhinO- course. It was something I decided to do with a few friends in my show. The Rhino consisted of 5 miles and 100 military style obstacles. I trained the best way I could for months before. As my dad and I watched youtube videos the week of...Lets just say I was scared out of my mind. With a smirk on his face he asked, "Are you sure about this..you could seriously get hurt?".. haha. It wasn't until about 2 nights before that I decided I really wanted my parents to be there for a little support. I text my mom that night and sure enough she jumped right in the car. The course was set up in a big circle so they could watch and see every obstacle. After each one I would look out to see their smiling/shocked faces and it kept my tired legs and sore arms moving. I was beyond grateful to have their support that day. It meant more to me than they'll ever know!
How cute are they?! 

Then this weekend over our 3 day dark I got my wisdom teeth removed. My friend Tovah was also getting hers taken out and basically we can't do anything without each other lol so naturally I jumped on the band wagon.  I thought I was now a tough girl having completed the rhino and all but I guess not. My mom called the night before saying if it was really bad she'd drive up. I was like no no I'll be fine;). Sure enough as soon as the Dr. woke me up I looked right at my dad and said, "call mom". HAHA Being the amazing nurse/mom that she is she jumped right in the car. There is just something about having your mommy and daddy around that makes everything better. Even as a 21 yr old I'm not ashamed to admit that sometimes I need them. Lately I have realized what a blessing it has been to have them living only a few short hours away. And especially the blessing of having my dad as a temporary roommate. At the drop of a hat they would do anything for me. I am oh so grateful for my parents. 
Tweedle dee and tweedle dum headed in for surgery! 

I got little to no sleep the night before..
 I've never been good with the dentist LOL

After surgery ..haha check out those cheeks..yikes

Nurse GG

And my cute dad who missed work to be my designated driver;) 

Seriously my parents are one of a kind. I don't know how I got so lucky. 
I am soaking up all I can for one day when it's my turn to repay the favors! 
xoxo - a girl in the city 

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