Sunday, January 15, 2012


I find myself sitting here alone in my fully furnished, 2 bed room apartment totally content. I have had quite a few conversations about relationships and marriage and all things "love" these past few weeks. We had an awesome lesson in relief society today on love and what defines it. I also received a sweet letter in the mail from a friend who I really care for. I got to spent 3 weekends this past month with some of my favorite loved ones. Being with my niece Tovah has showed me that we can love bigger than we ever thought possible. Tonight I got to skype with my newly married friends. All of these things have made me think more about love. How do I define love. What does the word "LOVE" mean to me. Love changes people. Some of the happiest people I know are those who dedicate their lives to loving and serving others. When you have love in your heart you have a light about you that is undeniable. Love is comfort. Love is family. Love is friendship. Love is putting others before yourself. Love is service. Love is something we are constantly striving for. We should be seeking to love others the way the Savior loves us.

"As I have loved you, love one another." 
"Reaching out to others in love and compassion is essential to the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself." 

Some days I find myself feeling lonely or wishing my situation were different. Not tonight. Tonight I am happy. It's not so much about finding someone to fall in love with but rather the things in my life that mean love to me. I constantly have love in my heart. I have so much to be grateful for and so many things in my life that remind to love every single day. I can feel my Saviors love. The knowledge that we have and our ability to love are what makes this life worth living. I am so grateful for the gospel. There is no greater example of love than that which our Father in Heaven has for us, his children. Tonight I am grateful for this reminder. I sure do LOVE you all! 
xoxo - a girl in the city

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