Monday, April 16, 2012


Often during a tough a workout I'll find myself saying things like "I suck at one arm push ups" or "I suck at pull ups" or during a long run and wanting to die 1/2 mile in thinking "I suck at running." But somehow you always seem to do it. Finishing that mile or that 4th set of pull ups. You may suck at it but that doesn't mean you can't do it. I feel such satisfaction after I accomplish that certain thing "I suck" at. You will always get a little stronger each time you try. My sister posted a quote on her blog that I used for motivation all week. "Get comfortable with being uncomfortable." -Jillian Michaels. Don't you love that? I know we've all been to that point where you want to cry or puke you are so uncomfortable or exhausted. Embrace it! Those are the moments when our body is actually changing. I love being pushed to my limit even if that day I feel like "I suck". Here's to doing things we suck at. Happy Monday! 
xoxo - a girl in the city   

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