Sunday, May 15, 2011

"...because I like you"

"I kiss you cause I like you"...
Don't we all wish it was this easy and exciting?
What was your first kiss like? I know as a girl I'm not the only one who walks inside, butterflies and all and starts breaking down what happened word for word, move for move. Was I awkward? Was I bad? I should have done this or that.... on and on! You'll probably lay in bed replaying the scene over and over. It was either your worst kiss ever or your newest best first kiss. I know one thing we all have in common is the hope that the guy is only half as excited and proud to have kissed you as this little Elliot. That he feels like he has total bragging rights that he kissed you on the lips! That hopefully he went home and told all his buddies, even the girls that he got to kiss YOU! haha I love that the mom can't even be mad in the video because it is just too darn cute.
Here's to more kisses simply because they like you!
xoxo - a girl in the city

1 comment:

  1. Hahahah! I love this Stace! best video ever. My favorite is the little boy cheering after he has kissed her with the fist pump in the air. So great. I hope Lance did that after our first kiss and maybe still does one every now and again. I think he secretly does, or at least fights the urge to do it until I'm out of sight. Hope your feeling better and things are going well! Love you!
